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Pacrat Sponsors
NW Ski Club Councel

Race info.

Jan. 24th - race # 1 friday SESSION

Location: Multorpor

Race course Location: Mt Hood Lane (Map)

Captains Meeting/Boot up & Mingle: 12:45 pm - Team captains meeting at the East Lodge

Multopor chair Lift will open @ 1 pm

Course Inspection Begins: 1:15 pm.

Race Start Time: 2:00PM - Click Here for race starting order.
Following your first race run, please return to the start and slip the course again as a team. We will have the Start Order posted at the top of the course if you need to check you start time during the race.

Skibowl Racing Waiver:
REQUIRED-Every racer and course worker will need to complete the Skibowl online Race and Competition Waiver prior to the race. To complete the online waiver prior to this weekend's race please Click Here

Racer Lift Tickets:
If you do not have a Skibowl season pass, Skibowl is offering discounted racer lift tickets.
Purchasing Racer Discount Tickets - ONLINE ONLY!
Friday racer tickets $45.00

Check your Email,the promo code to be used and instructions were sent out on Tuesday.

PLEASE NOTE: There is no same day racer ticket option online or at the resort.

After Race Party: The party will be at the Mt. Hood Cultural Center and Museum in Government Camp. (Map)

- Time: 5-7 pm

- Menu: Taco shop is providing chips and salsa,queso dip, Chicken & Pork burritos. (including a vegan option).

Stop in for a beer or wine and some food, and stay for some social time, prizes and announcements. PACRAT Racers who raced that day will receive free admission to the party, two drink tickets for either beer or wine, and one food ticket for a single trip through the buffet.

- Guest fee: Guests are $15.00 at the door, and children under 12 are $5.00.

Please be sure to wear your PACRAT bib during the race, and for safety purposes, please do not wear backpacks or hydration packs during race runs. Snowsport approved helmets are required to be worn during all PACRAT races. Live race times will be posted to for viewing on smart phones to keep track of the race. Following your race run, be sure to check your time on our PACRAT reader board next to the finish area, then return to the top of the race course and complete another slip through the course with your team.

Following the race, any help from racers to dismantle the course would be greatly appreciated. If you are willing to haul gear off the hill, please meet at the top of the course at the end of the race.

See You Friday!





Webmaster - Bob Lawrence Contact Us